Dispelling Myths About Shutters
We do a lot of talking to residents about shutters in Orlando.
And even if it may be surprising, when we talk with homeowners around Orlando, we hear the same few myths about shutters floating around. Let’s take a few moments to dispel some of the most common myths about plantation shutters so you’re able to make the best choice for your space when investigating new window treatments.
Myth: Shutters Are Easy to DIY
Lots of home design projects can easily be done on your own in a single day. Installing shutters probably isn’t one of them, though.

Putting in new shutters can be hard from the get-go, as the measurements of the lengths and angles of the windows have to be extremely precise to ensure an easy and snug fit, as well as to make sure your windows can still open and shut. Depending on what the shutters are made of, from Polywood® shutters to reclaimed wood shutters, hoisting large shutters and installing them straight may be a rough task. Unless every step of the process is done correctly, you may end up with crooked shutters or frequent drafts from weather-stripping that doesn’t fit.
Myth: Shutters Make Houses Look Dim
New home designers might shy away from shutters, thinking shutters will make houses look dark or dimly lit. This myth most likely comes from inexperience with shutters.
Think of this: outside light will always enter through your windows at an angle. What shutters do is allow you to change that angle by tilting their louvers, giving you more effective control over level of light. And keep in mind, shutters can still swing completely open to allow as much light as you might need.

Myth: Shutters Are Too Expensive
It’s a fact that shutters won’t be as cheap as your run of the mill blinds from a big box store. However this myth is more about how you’re thinking about shutters. If you’re thinking them as just a simple decoration that isn’t expected to last more than a few years, then yes, shutters are a little expensive. But shutters are a permanent addition to your house, and come with several benefits: shutters are energy efficient and can lower your monthly HVAC bills, they can add to your house’s appraisal value, and shutters can last decades, unlike blinds–which will need to be replaced often over time.
Myth: Shutters Make a House Look Old-Timey
Maybe the name “plantation shutters” has something to do with the myth that shutters are only good for old houses, but it certainly isn’t true. While shutters were frequently used in older home styles throughout the years, their straight, clean geometry and neutral colors allow them to fit in just as well with more fashionable, up-to-date designs. Interior shutters are the definition of versatile window treatments.

Myth: Sunburst Shutters Orlando Won’t Offer Free Consultations
Ok, this one isn’t a common myth–we just wanted to see if you were paying attention.
The Sunburst Shutters Orlando team is always thrilled to come to you for a free, no-hassle window covering consultation. Just call 407-630-7011 or use the form below to begin learning the truth about what shutters can offer you.